NTI is committed to the community
NTI is committed to the community. NTI has a meaningful purpose beyond profit, we're committed to making a real difference in our community, by helping our customers and their industries, and by supporting charities and community groups. Through hard work and active involvement of NTI employees our company is able to go above and beyond for our community when they need it most.

Truck restorations for MND research
Since 2017, NTI has been restoring and modifying vehicles, and raffling or auctioning them to help fund research into Motor Neurone Disease (MND). Our former CEO Wayne Patterson suffered from MND, and we decided to honour his passing by joining the search for a cure.
Every day, MND takes two Australian lives – and two more Australians are diagnosed with the disease. Wayne Patterson infused NTI with a strong commitment to values beyond business, such as being a responsible employer and an active community member.
Our annual fundraisers help us continue Wayne’s legacy. Our community of employees, business partners and industry associations have all given their time and efforts freely. Without their contributions, these projects wouldn’t be possible.
They are a great way to help others and reflect our hope – and Wayne’s – that one day, we’ll find a cure for MND.

Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds
We're proud to be a Foundation Partner of Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds to help improve mental health and physical wellbeing in Australia’s road transport, warehousing, and logistics sectors.
Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds is a registered not-for-profit foundation that provides a national approach to improving mental health and physical wellbeing for people working in road transport, warehousing and logistics.
Launched in August 2020, Healthy Heads was established by some of Australia's largest transport companies to drive the changes to the whole industry that these businesses want to see.
Their work focuses on providing industry with tools, resources and programs to allow businesses of all sizes to create psychologically safe, healthy working environments and thriving individuals.

Heart of Australia
NTI is a proud sponsor of Heart of Australia. This inspiring organisation delivers specialist healthcare services and testing to rural, remote, and First Nations communities across Queensland. We’re proud to partner with Heart of Australia and provide premium, specialist insurance and assistance products that enable Dr Gomes and his team to provide their invaluable service to even the most remote Australian communities.
Heart of Australia brings specialist services and health programs to rural, remote, and First Nations communities through our six custom-designed, clinics-on-wheels – the Heart Trucks.
The purpose-built, self-sufficient trailers provide private clinic spaces and a reception area for patients. All of the Heart Trucks are wheelchair accessible and are fully-air-conditioned for comfort.
In 2025, five new Heart Trucks will be joining the fleet as part of their national expansion, co-delivering the National Lung Cancer Screening Program in rural and remote communities nationwide. These five new clinics will be based on the design of our fifth truck – HEART 5 – to include mobile radiology equipment to deliver the service.

Pilbara Heavy Haulage Girls
NTI supports the Pilbara Heavy Haulage Girls National Heavy Vehicle Driver Training Institute and its work in changing how driver training is delivered.
Did you know that women currently make up just 1% of the nation’s heavy vehicle driver workforce?
That’s why Pilbara Girls Heavy Haulage was established: to remove obstacles and promote the employment of women as heavy vehicle drivers. The initiative is based in Karratha (WA) and is a not-for-profit organization providing professional development opportunities for newly licensed truck drivers.
Pilbara Heavy Haulage Girls are passionate about best practice on-road and workplace safety, increasing female heavy vehicle driver participation rates in the Australian road transport industry, and working to develop a positive industry image.