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Associations & Partnerships

NTI are proud partners of Associations in order to help improve the transport and logistics industries

We don't just provide insurance, NTI is proud to partner with Transport and Logistics Associations to keep driving the industry forward. 

NTI has lived its commitment to improving the industry with three decades of partnership with the Australian Trucking Association (ATA). We also partner with of all of the state-based transport associations, NatRoad, the Heavy Vehicle Industry Association, the Australian Livestock Road Transport Association, the Australian Logistics Council, Healthy Heads in Truck & Sheds, and more. 

You’ll find NTI representatives at association events, truck shows and industry forums Australia-wide. Our people also contribute their expertise to advisory boards and share at industry presentation. 

Supporting the industry that keeps Australia moving

As well as sponsorship, NTI regularly collaborated with industry associations to develop meaningful member programs. By providing extended insurance benefits to members and returning a portion of premium back to the association we’re able to contribute to these critical organisations financially. Over the past five years, we’ve contributed over $5 million dollars to the transport industry through this program – coming from NTI’s profits, not the premiums of our customers. 

To find out more about the additional benefits for association members, contact your insurance representative or your local transport association.

We're proud to work with the following associations: 

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