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How to source contracts and grow your business

So, you’ve got the plan, the name, the licence, and the truck, now all you need is something to transport.

The first option for truckers are load boards. These are online platforms that allow shippers and freight brokers to advertise loads so that truckers can find jobs and begin moving freight. Subscribing to one of the many load boards in Australia is a quick and easy way to get your business off the ground and onto the road.

Here is a short list of Australia’s top marketplaces:

It’s important for new business owners to understand the basic principles of network marketing too. Leveraging old relationships and building new ones will help to foster new business opportunities and expand your webbed network of industry contacts. Be proactive.

For instance, drop your new connection a text if you know you’re likely to cross paths during your next contract and suggest pulling over for a beverage while you spin a yarn. It’s little gestures like this that speak volumes of your character, personal brand and business. You’ll absolutely make a positive impact in the market.

We also understand that it’s difficult to differentiate yourself in the trucking industry. So, the delivery of your service must be the most important thing you focus on day-to-day. The safety of your load and the timely manner in which it is delivered are the two most important things to your customers. So, look after the two service elements that customers care about the most and they’ll always come back. That’s guaranteed.  

Building a booming business takes time and dedication but if you focus on exceptional customer service and delivering your load as safely and as timely as possible, business will take off before you know it!


  • If you're a new transport business you can find jobs on load boards
  • Subscribing to a load board is quick and easy within Australia
  • Remember to leverage old and new relationships for business opportunities and to expand your network

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