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UPDATE: Marine Incident Alert - Maersk Essen

It is understood that Maersk has diverted the vessel to the port of Lazaro Cardenas, Mexico as a port of refuge for cargo operations. The vessel current eta at Lazaro Cardenas is 27/29th January 2021.

It is likely that this decision was prompted by the requirement for berth space for what is probably a prolonged cargo operation, it being noted that US West Coast terminals are already extremely busy.

Surveyors have been instructed to attend in Mexico upon the vessel's arrival and we have experts instructed to investigate the cause of the incident.

Given that the vessel has now diverted to a port of refuge, it is possible that Shipowners may seek to declare general average in respect of permissible GA expenses such as port of refuge, storage and on forwarding costs. We are seeking clarification from Maersk on this particular point, albeit we think it remains unlikely in all the circumstances.

We are seeking confirmation from Maersk that they intend to on forward cargo to Los Angeles as originally scheduled.

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