Tools to Support CoR
In conjunction with transport industry experts, NTI has launched a suite of tools and templates to help you manage risk within your business.
Each document is an editable PDF so all you have to do is fill in the blanks to tailor each document to your business operations.
Please note:
These tools are intended to assist operators to build documented processes into their businesses, or to review the systems they’ve already got in place.
If you’re looking for a comprehensive safety management system to manage transport risk in your business, we encourage you to consider the ATA’s excellent TruckSafe accreditation scheme.
TruckSafe is an industry-developed, managed and owned accreditation scheme. You can find more information at
The tools and templates below do not contain a definitive list of Heavy Vehicle National Law and regulatory requirements. To meet your obligations under the HVNL and regulations you are required to seek independent advice to assess your circumstances.
Law and Contracts
Driver and Incident Management
Mass, Dimension and Loading
Vehicle Standards