Learn How to Install, Configure and Use Parcel Protect
Now that you're a Parcel Protect merchant, the following guides, checklists and assets contain all you need to get started and start protecting your shipments from loss, damage or theft.
Installing the App
Guide for downloading, and installing Parcel Protect on your site.
How to configure your site
Set up your site to correctly receive customer claims for lost, damaged or stolen items.
Ensuring your item is covered
Access our ready made checklist to ensure your items are configured correctly for protection.
Getting the most from your dashboard
Learn how to access and interpret claim and shipping data from your Parcel Protect merchant dashboard.
FAQ's for your site
Take advantage of our pre built FAQ's and give your customers the confidence their shipments are covered with Parcel Protect.
Site assets
Leverage the Parcel Protect brand and logo across your site and build trust with your customers.