- Marine Protect
How to return your vessel to service post COVID-19
COVID-19 has had significant impacts on the global economy and trade, as we begin to come out the other side it can seem overwhelming considering all that’s changed, but you’re not alone.
Throughout the pandemic our team here at Marine Protect have continued to provide cover for all our clients when they were unable to operate and we’re still here now to help get you back up and running.
As businesses start operations again and tourism is encouraged your vessel may be about to restart operations, we’ve got some tips from our experts on how to get back up and running again.
One of our guidelines in providing lay-up cover was the detail of maintenance procedures being undertaken during lockdown. That was all in preparation for where we’re at now so you don’t have a ‘cold’ start-up.
For your vessel:
Be sure to carry out the necessary checks such as:
• Make sure your engines, auxiliary machinery, gearbox, steering gear, GenSets etc. have been thoroughly inspected and that everything is in good working order
• Conduct lub-oil analysis, fuel samples, fuel and air filters
• Ensure bilge pumps and alarms are in good working order, and that machinery is clean and there are no oil spills
• Check that all fire-fighting systems are fully operational
• Check that all machinery and wheelhouse instruments, GPS and radio, warning lights, alarms and critical safety systems are working
• Check that any outboards/other equipment on your tender(s) are in good working order
You also need to consider the following:
• Are the repairers you use and the suppliers of your spares still able to operate and provide for your requirements?
• Are all your operational certificates and literature – for vessel and crew – valid/up to date?
• Do you need additional COVID information signage, both on the boat and in your booking office/place of loading passengers?
For your crews:
Make sure they are fully trained/conversant with all the new operational safety requirements. This includes maintaining strict social distancing and hygiene to avoid any infringements.
For your passengers:
Make sure they have all the COVID Safe information and equipment they need in respect to hygiene, personal safety, and social distancing, to be able to comply with the new safety protocols, including not boarding the vessel if they are unwell.
Make sure you continue to clean your vessels thoroughly after each trip.
Where to now?
Putting your vessel back into service and getting your business started again is the first step and we’re here to support you.
As you move forward consider creating a contingency plan and be sure that you undertake a more formal risk assessment if your operations require it.
It would also be valuable to protect your operations with the right coverage. Speak to a Marine Protect representative today to discuss which policies will be suitable for your needs.