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NTI is proud to have won NIBA’s 2022 Underwriting Agency of the Year award for the second year running.

The Awards, which are in their 10th year, celebrate the best broking, underwriting and insuring within Australia.

NTI’s Chief Executive Officer, Tony Clark says the back-to-back wins are a reflection of NTI’s unwavering commitment to go above and beyond.

“Our people are relentless in their pursuit to do whatever it takes to support Australian businesses to operate at full capacity,” he said.

“We continue to innovate, even on the things that we do well, and seek to understand and address the ever-changing needs of our specialist industries.”

NTI’s Executive General Manager - Commercial, Mike Edmonds says NTI’s level of internal expertise and breadth of in-house capability perpetuates NTI’s position as Australia’s leading specialist insurer across transport & logistics, marine, and mobile plant & equipment.

“Our combination of specialist products, in-house expertise in insurance, repairs, parts, our accredited repair & recovery networks, and industry advocacy enables us to deliver above-and beyond within competitive turnaround times.”

NIBA CEO, Philip Kewin said brokers are asked, in their annual Broker Market Survey, “a range of questions about their overall experience across a range of important product and service quality criteria, including brand as well as broker experience.

“The combination of these results ultimately determines the winner of this award.”

A full list of NIBA Award winners can be found at

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