20-Year Milestone for “Bold Concept” That Transformed The Heavy Vehicle Repair Industry

It’s been two decades since a major shake-up to the heavy vehicle smash repairs industry, which has led to improvements in repair quality, time, cost, and a significant reduction in reworks.
In 2004, specialist insurance provider NTI launched its Premium Repairer Network
to introduce industry standards to help streamline repairs, while giving business owners, customers, and NTI the tools and transparency to get work done in a fair and more efficient way.
“Before the network, the industry largely comprised of small, family-owned shops, which weren’t established for heavy vehicle repairs, and there was a lot of a mistrust between repairers and insurers,” NTI CEO Tony Clark said.
“We wanted to change that, with a bold new concept. For NTI and the repair business owner, the goal of the Premium Repairer Network was to complete repairs quicker, more cost effective, and with less rework. For customers, we wanted consistency so they could get a quality repair while controlling the cost and, crucially, get back on the road in a reasonable and fast timeframe.”
Reworks have plummeted from 28 per cent (%) of jobs to just three, ultimately reducing costs, while customer satisfaction has skyrocketed, with 99% of customers saying they would recommend NTI to a friend.
Mr Clark said working with industry was key to changing the face of heavy vehicle repairs.
“The Premium Repairer Network first began with a project team comprised of owners and managers of about 30 truck repair shops from around Australia. We learned that equipment, approvals processes, and payment schedules stood out as key factors needing to be addressed,” he said.
NTI created minimum equipment requirements, including overhead cranes, panel stands, parts washing machines, and spray booths; reengineered the approvals process; and only used genuine parts to ensure competitive pricing and availability.
“We also introduced ‘real money, real time’ where we paid for the hours worked, within 48 hours of an invoice being submitted, compared with up to eight weeks that had been the norm,” Mr Clark said.
Brisbane-based Royans’ Regional Manager Barry Blomeley said NTI’s Premium Repairers took the industry to the “next level”, making it “a more professional network”.
“Previously it was funny time, funny money. With ‘real money, real time’ if you quoted 100 hours, and did the job in 80, you charged 80, or if you quoted 100, and it took 110, you charged 110. You knew you were going to earn a margin at the end of the job. It was much more consistent,” Mr Blomeley said.
“Instant repair authorisation was another really big thing. If you knew they were insured with NTI, and it wasn’t a total loss, you were pre-approved so you could start work straight away. It was a big time saving, often cutting a couple of weeks out of the process. You’re no longer panicking at the last moment and rushing to get jobs done.”
Today, NTI has 25 Premium Repairers across the country. The network is an exclusive alliance of top-tier repair professionals which must meet strict standards for specialist skills, workmanship, customer service, facilities and equipment levels, industry experience, qualified tradespersons, and location.
A Premium Repairer Council reviews standards to continue to ensure customers get their trucks back on the road faster with quality repairs guaranteed for life, something previously unheard of in the industry.
NTI’s repairer network also extends to include some 40 NTI Local Repairers, specialising in light-duty vehicle repairs closer to customers’ bases, and NTI’s recently established Trailer Repairer network with over 30 repairers.