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Ep 7: Preparing for Severe Weather Events

In this episode of the NTI Spotlight podcast, we discuss how businesses can prepare for weather events. With a third consecutive La Niña event announced by meteorologists earlier in the year, weather is likely to pose a threat to businesses across the country – particularly over the summer months.

We’re joined by NTI’s team of risk engineers Kurt Herron, Hayden Reed and Paul Bressan to discuss the importance of being business-ready and prepared for whatever weather events come our way. 

Weather events can easily take us by surprise, but there are a few things businesses can do now to be well prepared including reviewing emergency procedures, business continuity planning, and safeguarding documents and files.

Click here to learn more about preparing for severe weather.

A reminder to insurance brokers, this episode is eligible for 0.5 NIBA CPD points. Stay tuned until the end of the episode for details on generating your CPD certification of completion. 

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