NTI’s Head of Insurance Risk and Reinsurance, Andrew Kidd, has been elected as a member of the International Union of Marine Insurance’s (IUMI’s) Cargo Committee.
The appointment is a testament to Mr Kidd’s extensive experience within Australia’s marine insurance industry, with previous roles including Head of Marine at NTI and Head of Marine Portfolio at Vero.
Mr Kidd says he feels privileged to have the opportunity to contribute to the work done by IUMI after having been nominated by the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA).
“I look forward to sharing my insights, as well as those of NTI and the ICA, to support IUMI’s work of encouraging healthy discussion and debate for continuous improvement of international marine insurance and reinsurance.
“I’m looking forward to working with the Chair, Isabelle Therrien, and the rest of the committee, and thank both NTI and the ICA for their support.”
The IUMI Cargo Committee is made up of cargo insurance professionals in all major markets around the world. The Committee monitors key issues impacting the cargo insurance industry and works to raise awareness and advance thought leadership consistent with IUMI’s vision and mission.